The mechanic named noblemen Makrani district of Madhya Pradesh Sea waters run four-seat car are made. China with its technology, electric vehicles, making the city went raisale there Siyag device company with more water instead of petrol in India and produced by mobile car.
According to the news 15 years working on mechanical noblemen never read any school and at home padhaelekhai are unmarried person. He made his work miracles anubhavabatai waters are mobile car.
How fast?
At that time the rich were making a car mechanics sadhaijastai an idea came to his mind. He fuel tank of gasoline car engine modifications and the car instead of habits and calcium carbide pipe made. Then start the vehicle when the engine showed on. It had been so easily, the whole five years.
Now his car 20 liters of water and 2 kg of calcium carbide prepared by mixing 20 miles gudcha safer. According to this technological water and calcium kabaida handshake acetylene is produced and prepared acetylene mobile Engine Mechanic raisaddhara into it. It is to be acetylene whenever the car starts to run.
See how the water moves the car bhidiyomah
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