The easing of the airport in Pokhara powered air sports foundation has started to worry about the future. Now Pokhara major tourist attractions are as paragliding and ultra-light operation. However, both the activity became the airport has to be displaced.
Now vyavasayiharule saranakota and toripanibata Lake, beach paragliding flights are from. This area of international airports' approach when trayasama the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal Paragliding removed from the regulatory body said Sanjeev Gautam analainakhabaralai.
'International flight paragliding among the now empty space should be whole, not abundance, "Director General Gautam analainakhabarasamga said," when fully closed today for domestic airport should also be eprocabhitra and it seems to be displaced by ultra phlaitasameta.'
If the new airport to fly Ultralight international flight unless pressure can be possible as Gautam. However, if the international flight Ultralight pressure is completely closed obligation.
However, if injinavinako paragliding fly because by moving around immediately when incompatible with the international airport is the more dangerous, that the airport becomes a whole closed paragliding. Saranakota area airports trayasabhitra approach should cease, Gautam said that while paragliding.
The International Civil Aviation Organization aikao) the rules of international airports in the region to conduct any activity not found in Hawaii.
Now the future of paragliding?
Domestic and foreign tourists pulling paragliding in Pokhara future is now? This question General Gautam said, "Now, paragliding flights and find a place for an alternative."
Pokhara valley paragliding to fly out of an abundance of beautiful and appropriate places, he said.
However, the big ships Fly Paragliding enterprise should not be posed claim displaced. Paragliding near the international airport flight abroad is being presented for example in air sports association secretary says Basanta Dawadi 'is now displaced paragliding in Pokhara ray real thing that is happening. "
Switzerland 2/3 kilometers from the airport to fly paragliding proposal has been approved, said. "So far, the authority official information has not displaced paragliding" he said "want the government to be conducting paragliding international sceneries. '
Millions of tourists paragliding in Pokhara will suggest not to stop entrepreneurs argue. Paragliding will be closed while the regulatory bodies, informed General Gautam claimed vyavasayiharule two years to find the appropriate option in Pokhara told explains.
'Entrepreneurs think we have said earlier, the options' General Gautam said, "Approach own limits and criteria of the international airport, is the primary and secondary area, hit hard by the entrepreneurs that found no fly.'
Paragliding Association president Yogesh Bhattarai, Pokhara place for arsenic removal option, if the government says. Analainakhabarasamga conversation appropriate place and shift the responsibility for seeking regulatory body said that paragliding.
However, the work that they have to find a place among the NEA Director General Gautam paragliding area not say. "It is vital that business activity is, what is it that they have to decide where to blow it" Gautam said, "They tried to place appropriate or not, only carry out technical studies of our work, they Regulatory our work."
Paragliding among the entrepreneurs where fun is that good karma than you know how much distance from the airport to the Gautam .Though Air Sports Association found to be that aliens do not know Bhattarai said. "At least NEA found so fly away from, Pokhara Yo-Yo revealed that it was not free to fly where 'he says,' Aha, how to fly not fly until you know that? '
They said that the displaced should consider paragliding garnupurva he added. When displaced equally vinaadhyayana paragliding in Pokhara, Bhattarai said the lost tourist attractions.
If the operation must be overcome if the airport transfer aisakda majority, he said garisaknuparne.
'International flight is unsafe and stops, we are ready to be transferred' Association General Secretary FNBK adding, "I think that we should have to study for free, where that move upon the equally sweeping shift? We choice is free newsletter. "
Where options can be?
When the high hill country of Nepal is very appropriate places in the world for paragliding operations. Nepal is a beautiful country which is not a problem when paragliding fly to seek a beautiful place of Gautam General.
Gautam Pokhara Begnas Valley region a chance to fly paragliding said.
Saranakotako near Pokhara The North beltaharu Lwang option, rivana, Armala, giranavala, sauryapakha and other places is possible as paragliding can be mocked. However, Gautam says that this has not been studied.
Pokhara, Kaski together now saranakota dhikidamda, toripani, Bandipur Originally, Spree sirakota, Palpa, Surkhet, Lalitpur and detained-Dharan and other places has started commercial paragliding flight.
The paragliding flight has been tested in many other districts. Many places for paragliding in Pokhara rejoiced when even stop a wave of entrepreneurs claimed that the regulatory body is not.
Pokhara tourism is?
Paragliding Pokhara two decades has been the flight. Paragliding course of 20 years making company has reached the number of 65. If these companies are at full capacity among the daily 5 hundred service can give. But, at least when the tourist has to make daily hundred paragliding Dawadi said.
More and more tourists have been building an international airport in Pokhara for you. In particular, it is a target of the Chinese and Indian citizens will suggest. Pokhara is a Chinese citizen to come paragliding, ultra-light, jeep, banji other adventure games are fun to take.
If Pokhara Pokhara tourist attractions paragliding shift happen if the Chinese worry that the tourism entrepreneurs.
70 per cent of the total paryatakamadhye from China to come to the Paragliding Association Secretary Dawadi explains the rise in the number of pyaraglaidina saranakotako akasasameta is narrower. When flying in the sky at one time paragliding accident, traffic jam ahead looks more likely.
This is also another suitable place for paragliding need to observe. However, the regulatory agency has given its accusations, paragliding professional.
Pyaraglaidinale Pokhara have contributed to increase tourist arrivals basaisameta. Adventure paragliding in Pokhara role in development of air sports. Ultralight, jeep fly and bungee jump from the back of the lot.
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