According to the Meteorological Department, the Office of Nepalgunj Nepalgunj, the maximum temperature of 40 degrees C and 'record' has been. According to weather experts maximum temperature here is still expected to grow.
Nepalgunj is not the lack of water in summer months. Jalthal the scorching sun and the hot air is destined to suffer.
Representatives of the scorching sun and hot havasamgai heat increased government and non-government offices and at the market slump upasthitisameta cold drinks and food products is increasing sales.
Most residents here in the summer cucumber, melon, watermelon, buttermilk, cream, cold drinks and food items kulphilagayata do more drugs.
Due to the summer sores, aumasi, typhus fever, the outbreak of infectious disease patients at local hospitals and health institutions also started to rise, says physicians.
Its hospitals, educational institutions and health centers in warm weather pursue different disease patients has been increasing.
Similarly, consumption of electricity over the summer began to be relocated to nine hours of power cuts daily Electricity Authority has published the table
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