'Dairy in the village more than Rs 2 crore annual bhitrincha,' Lakshmi cow Chairman Dharma banjadele said, 'milk sold 6 million rupees from a year income farmers are 1. "The collection of the milk produced is sold Sandhikharka the Centre headquarters. After a well-paying dairy farmers, said he was excited.
A jarsigaiko milk sold 15 thousand rupees a month of the income. Ghocekholaka young Ramu Nupur long time did Qatar employment. Gaibata know when a good income to cancel the visa 4 years, cattle are raised.
Katarako kamaibhanda cow's milk, she was sold for double the income of Bam are busy. He is now thinking of not going abroad. NRS 20 young overseas who are left here.
Ghocekholama 5 to rent the properties of a good income from cattle raised dhakabanaka world belbasele worldwide. Kimdanda 8 a year ago, the field suffered by Khan rivulets and labor to support the family and were forced to go abroad.
In 2064 the Social Development Centre in Lumbini test was brought jarsigai. After all the cow had a good center. Eight years, the village has changed the face of milk income. 65 liters of milk daily sales ghocekholaki banjadele her to go.
8 of 5 cows are cows. She sold her milk year, 6 million savings. Women cow group has been formed his own chairmanship. There are 25 women affiliated with the group.
Cows are raised, a farmer Ganesh banjadele 7. 10 to 15 liters of milk a cow. Milk sold in fever.The income and it changed the face of the village, he said. Year 7 million he earned them. Janakale her home cheese making.
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