Talking briefly to media persons at Biratnagar Airport in the morning June at Rai, both inside and outside the government spokesman, Minister of holding illusions about the constitution of relations with neighbors, the government has set up a new height, said base.
Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli's visit to India during the Indian prime minister was welcomed by the Constitution press conference, recalling his visit to China as well as the historic Treaty was held to welcome the constitution, he said.
Hence the development of the local bodies elections are having difficulties in the construction, he said. He was announced on June 15 on the budget as well as the declaration of the local body election and expressed confidence that tithisameta.
Fixing the target this time, the budget minister Rai also be brought to the development of the plan.
He said, and the complex legal process due to lack of ujanasaktiko for earthquake reconstruction of the sample said they failed to take action speed is true. This is not to live in the sky varsatsammama earthquake on the collective housing construction project has chau
Responding to a question he had formed a committee for the implementation of federalism and the high-level committee formed to finalize the delineation of the subject will be completed soon and expressed confidence.
Communications Rai 16-point memory gentleman's agreement to the implementation of the Constitution as well as the Nepali Congress has urged the government to participate in the country and also for the welfare of the people called him.
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