The director of the movie Bikash Acharya has begun his shooting of the movie from the Krishna Temple at Ghotatar. The first take of the movie was given by actress Priyanka Karki, child artist Anubhav Regmi and new duo Pal shah and Barsha Raut. The film also star new artist Aanchal Sharma in the lead role. The shooting of the movie will be done in Kathmandu for 10 days and other shooting will be done in Heatuda and Narayanghat. The script of the movie is written by director Acharya and Samipyaraj Timilsina while the music will be composed by Basanta Sapkota. The action director of the movie is Himal K.C. whereas the choreographer is Kaviraj Gahatraj. Since this the fourth sequel of the movie “Nai Nabhannu la” therefore director Bikash registered his own production house “Bikash Acharya Films” to present the movie. The first movie was presented under the banner of Himalayan Films Pvt. Ltd. While the other two were presented under the banner “One Time Cinema”. The release date of the movie has been fixed on April 8th 2016
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