Nepal Telecom old service will be upgraded and new tech 'APR' is brought into operation. Service Information and Communications Dhan Rai inaugurated on Thursday. Harka Baglung, Parbat, Myagdi and Mustang, and 21 where 'APR' Service Western Regional Director of the Nepal Telecom siddhapratapa ashes.
Sixteen-place of old technology 'thrijilai upgrading and place additional five new' APR-bitiesa 'are connected. Now Internet users more capabilities, and rapid compared to the past 'APR' will be able to use the service. 'APR' pravidhimarphta 'bhiyodi', 'Video ÷ voice chat', rapid Internet "surfing" to be achieved, including the service, he said.
Telecom various convenient 'data package' also has brought. 'APR' prayokartale a 'Zibi' data only cost is expected to take Rs 500, which is one month period. Similarly, five 'Zibi' taking Rs one thousand 800-consuming and it may be three months to take unlimited service.
"In the coming fiscal year, an additional 50 places zZones 'APR' service aim to extend you, OE," said regional director of ashes. Recent areas of zZones 85 'to accommodate, bitiyasalai upcoming fiscal year increased to a target of ¥ 120 m.
Information and Communications Rai Telecom number one telecommunication company, announce that they did make. "The problem has been identified and need to take it to repair," he said. Nepal Telecom to increase access across the entire service should give priority to the development of infrastructure, he said.
Minister Rai Mobile 'APR' service was inaugurated by use.
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